There are three types of money; Commodity money, Representative money, and Fiat money. Commodity money would be using the values of goods, such as food or animals. This type is not very portable or divisible. Representative money is currency that can be exchanged for something of value such as gold. This money is finite however since most things of value are finite. Fiat is money that is only backed up by word of the government and is not really backed by anything valuable, but is infinite. Money has 3 functions: medium of exchange(use it to buy stuff), store of value,(save it), and a unit of account(use it to judge others).
Video 2:
Money Market graphs has interest rate(price of money) on the y axis and quantity of money on the x axis. The Demand of money line slopes downward due to the Law of Demand, as price increases, demand decreases. Supply of money is vertical because it is fixed and set by the Fed. Fed adjusts money supply to stabilize interest rates to promote economic growth
Video 3:
The Fed has three tools of Monetary Policies; Reserve rate(amount of money banks are required to keep), Discount rate(amount of interest charges to banks for loaning from other banks), and Open Market Operations(The selling and buying of securities) There are two ways to use these tools; in an Expansionary(easy money) or Contractionary(tight money) way. In order to follow the expansionary route, the fed could lower Reserve and Discount rates to free more money and buy securities to inject money into circulation. Vice Versa, the fed, if it wanted to follow a more contractionary policy, it would raise Reserve and Discount rates and sell securities to take money out of circulation.
Video 4:
The Loan-able Funds graphs has interest rate(price of money) on the y axis and quantity of loan-able funds (money) on the x axis like on the money market graph. Demand of loan-able funds slopes down still to the Law of Demand and Supply slopes upward. Supply is dependent on savings and is positive since banks turn savings into loans. Loan-able funds and the money market are closely related by interest rate. A change in interest rate in one graph will affect the other.
Video 5:
Money is created by making loans through the money multiplier and multiple deposit expansion. The money multiplier is 1/RR or reserve ratio. Multiple deposit expansion is what happens when loans get deposited then turned into loans again. This is assuming that there are NO excess reserves. the amount generated is the amount of loans times the money multiplier
Video 6:
Money Market and loan-able funds are also connected to AS and AD. Since MV = PQ, (Money Supply * Velocity of money being spent = Price * Quantity) when interest rates go up, so do prices. If Demand of loanable fund and money supply increases, it increases aggregate demand since both interest rate and price level have to increase. Interest rates are proportional to Price levels. This is called the Fisher Effect.
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Enjoy! :D